Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Having a Ehh day..

Woke up feeling like crapz. Slug like movement heh. Then checked emails and Stuff like that. Nothing important. Started looking for a new house with cheaper rent to live in during my spring semester. Some luck found a awesome place where i can finally have pets! I want a tabby orange cat!! Or maybe a awesome bulldog or corgie or pugz!? Would be awesome but the current house i am leasing is bunch of bullshit cant move out because of contract :(( fuck contracts! Shit is too expensive dam it. So yup now hoping the dam landlord and realtors find someone to take my room so i can room. Or if i do move out i gotta pay the bullshit rent of old room still till the end of semester or if they find someone to fill the room. So yuppp bs of my lifez. Hoping it all goes well and i move somewhere cheaper and be happy with my catzmor dog heh.


  1. I know rite! I want my own catz would be dope! But lets hope it all falls thru and goes well for me :D i gotz a plan for success heh.

  2. Seguindo aqui no blog,
    obrigado pela visita!

  3. Get a cat man, it requires a lot less responsibility than a dog needs.

  4. Go for the cat dude will be following daily to check on the outcome :D

  5. yeah I have cat and I LOVE CATS ;]] cool blog following ;]

  6. Cats are nice, how about a lemur? now THOSE are cool!

  7. We all have those days! I like your blog so you just got another follower :D +1

    i have one sleeping next to me right this moment

  9. Man I remember having to deal with all those stupid contracts with all the apt's I lived in during my college days. Good luck man! It's like talking to a brick wall...

  10. i like you blog... but for the love of all that is holy... change the color of the text on this site x( ITs FUKIN PINK!!!

  11. I hear yah. I've had a ehh day all week...

  12. Heheh yeah i am trying really hard to get that new place and a cat but yup it is oike talking to a brick wall. Hmmm it aint pink its purple . Heh
